Street-Bright™& Tunnel-Bright™


A Totally New Eco-Friendly Approach to Roadway and Highway Lighting

Now there is a comprehensive lighting solution that provides maximum design flexibility with the most extraordinary power-savings and maintenance-savings in the world. Street-Bright™ fixtures employ unique LUMENTEC® spectral tuning that matches the light to the reflective properties of the road surface and a proprietary full diffusion nano-reflector to provide the highest levels of uniformity in Type 1 – V patterns.

Street-Bright™ lighting is the first holistic approach to eco-friendly roadway lighting that fully considers the dynamics of intensity, spread, contrast, color rendition while also addressing, maintenance, energy savings, reliability, recyclability, capital cost, and return on investment.

In fact, Street-Bright™ lighting is so reliable and cost effective that projects can receive up to 100% lease financing. In today’s environment of tight capital and operating budgets, a leased Street-Bright™ installation can fully cover payments with energy and maintenance savings. Only Tesla Lighting Company Lighting offers such unique and flexible programs.

Don’t design your project without the benefit of the Street-Bright™ System. See how you can save substantially more while spending significantly less. The choice for any retrofitting or new tunnel project is clear – the Street-Bright™ System from Tesla Lighting Company.

Street-Bright™ logo

For highways and streets and signage.


Fully Controllable Dimmable Eco-Friendly Lighting System Designed for Tunnels and Passageways

Now there is a comprehensive tunnel lighting solution that provides maximum design flexibility with the most extraordinary power-savings and maintenance-savings in the world. The Tunnel-Bright™ System combines uniquely designed magnetic induction lighting (MIL) with a precise control system and linear dimming capabilities to comply with ANSI/IES RP 22-05 standards.

Until now, most tunnel lighting has been either metal halide (MH), mercury vapor (MV), high pressure sodium (HPS), or low pressure sodium (LPS). All of these technologies have significant drawbacks. For tunnels using mercury vapor, re-lamping is a necessity since these bulbs are no longer manufactured due to legal restrictions. Sodium technology produces a monochromatic spectrally biased light that has a very low color rendition index; colors become indistinguishable. Metal halide lamps have a high lumen depreciation factor, losing as much as 40% of original luminosity within the first third of their life cycle. Although light emitting diode (LED) fixtures have been tested in tunnels, reliability and cost issues make effective implementation questionable.

The Tunnel-Bright™ System is the first holistic and eco-friendly approach to tunnel lighting and illumination that fully considers the dynamics of tunnel lighting, guidelines, maintenance, light quality, energy savings, recyclability, capital cost, and return on investment. Don’t design your tunnel project without the benefit of the Tunnel-Bright™ System. See how you can save substantially more while spending significantly less. The choice for any retrofitting or new tunnel project is clear – the Tunnel-Bright™ System from Tesla Lighting Company.

Tunnel-Bright™ logo

For roadway tunnels.


Phone: (201) 784-1233

Fax: (201)-784-0854

Email: [email protected]

Address: 28 Church Street, Suite 11, Warwick, NY, 10990


Mon – Fri: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sat – Sun: Closed

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